The orientation for the incoming first-year students in 2024 commenced on Monday, November 11, 2024, to welcome and integrate them into the school community. The opening assembly featured an introduction of the School Management, the Municipal Director of Education, teaching and non-teaching staff, and representatives from the municipal educational directorate.
During this gathering, the headmaster, Mr. Michael Mensah, provided a warm welcome to the new students, enunciating the school’s history and highlighting the importance of discipline, the institution’s vision, mission statement, and core values. Mr. Mensah emphasized the necessity for students to adhere to the established rules and regulations, encouraging them to embrace the school culture as a framework for developing into responsible and upstanding individuals.
Following Mr. Mensah’s address, the Old Tafo Municipal Director of Education, Ms. Betty Drah, also welcomed the students and shared valuable insights on the significance of discipline and diligence, urging the students to utilize this opportunity to improve their prospects and strive for excellence.
In the coming days, the academic board will convene with students within their respective departments to provide orientation on course selections, subject combinations, and grouping arrangements, facilitating informed decision-making. Additionally, the house staff will conduct sessions to explain the school rules and regulations and engage students in various cultural activities that contribute to the school’s philosophy. The orientation programme will climax on Friday, November 15, 2024, culminating in a celebration of the new students’ entry into the school community.