It is said that for every institution to achieve success, it is never an easy task. Furthermore, success is never achieved on a silver platter, so Acheampong Love Emmanuel (2016-2017) Officer Commanding (O.C) and officer of his noble institution have been pressing hard since he took over the mantle from our predecessors. Notwithstanding the challenges ups and downs, disappointment among many others, we still aim at the bet for institution.
People have in mind that cadet is always about marching but it is far from the reality. Previously OKESS ARMY CADET commanded little in our administration has been the most renowned in the region and country at large. Our performance is highly inspiring and we have come to this far not on the grounds or nation that people say is luck but determination and commitment has been our master and number one key. Since discipline is the hall mark of every institution, we have taken it upon ourselves to instill discipline in the CADET and school as a whole to promote growth and stability in the institution.
To this end, we will like to express our profound gratitude to the almighty God for a successful year, to the head of the institution (Mrs. Cromwell Mary). Gratitude extends to our senior most patrons Mrs. Theresa Sasu-Ampong, Masters in charge and all cadet officers and members. We say bravo and thumbs up for performing extremely well.
One can do, All can do.
No pain, No gain.
One man, One bullet.
Hard on training grounds, Easy on the battle field.
Live or die hard, Ahoyaaaa!!!
Long Live OKESS,
Patroness: Mrs. Theresa Sasu-Ampong.
M.I.C: Mr. Alexander Ebo Quansah.
Deputy: Mr. Bernard Mensah.
Officer in Charge: Acheampong Love Emmanuel. (O.C)
2.I.C: Appiagyei Dennis.
Financial Secretary: Amoah Nancy.
Deputy (R.S.M): Agyekum Okyere Prince.